What is your WHY

Your WHY is a UNIQUE why. Your own unique WHY is the greatest possible WHY you could have.

I don’t know what your why is; after all, I can’t know. Your why might be similar to my why … but you and I might have some ideas about what the other’s why is, but realistically neither can have ANY clue whatsoever about what the other’s WHY is.

It is tempting, in an EVIL way, to think that we basically know. But my guess about your WHY cannot be based on actual knowledge … my guess is a guess based on a guess based on a guess derived from imperfect assessments that I have when it comes to me knowing about my own WHY … in a very general sense, the point of our lives is for each of us to PONDER our WHY. ONLY idiots think they know what another’s WHY is.

We simply cannot possibly know, none of us are given that kind of insight … so, of course, we cannot possibly judge … as tempting as it might be to judge. It’s not just that judging others is the most EVIL form of all EVILS; in other words, the judging others basically the reason to be judged especially severely by the Creator. So it’s not just wrong, it’s that it’s fundamentally idiotic … we CANNOT POSSIBLY do the judging right.

Thus, the thing to do with gossips or anyone who thinks that they can judge other human beings is to never allow the idiots to waste your time. Judging others is not just PROOF of idiocy … engaging in gossip how someone can be tempted into judging others.

Most of us simply do not have a clue about this reason … most of us do not acknowledge that it is important for human beings to ever think about their WHY, to ever even ponder their reason for existence. MOST humans just watch TV or get lost in game of imitating other humans … and affluent culture of America makes the addiction to comfort and an imitation of some sort of materialist rat maze that almost resembles a life to be a particularly easy trap to fall into.

Pondering your WHY

*The essence of being a warrior is to NEVER EVER QUIT on the warrior’s mission. Accordingly, a lot of effort is invested in modern militaries in programming in the NEVER EVER QUIT to their warrior’s mindset – armies made up of FREE INDIVIDUALS who never ever quit will destroy armies made up of conscripts motivated by fear EVERY SINGLE TIME they engage in battle.

COWARDS and people who have never been warriors do not and probably cannot possibly understand this. Instead of respecting the importance of FREEDOM in forming the will to fight, cowards tend to FEAR how many tanks or plans or missiles some dictator has. The degree to which they voice these fears is basically a tell that shows us why the cowards choose to be cowards.

Dictators scare cowards; cowards tend to follow despotic authoritarians … but armies made up of FREE INDIVIDUALS who never ever quit will always destroy the fear-driven, second-rate armies.

Dictators and people who imaging that drafting conscripts are still EXTREMELY DANGEROUS … but armies made up of FREE INDIVIDUALS who never ever quit will destroy armies made up of conscripts motivated by fear EVERY SINGLE TIME they engage in battle.

The MOST IMPORTANT mission [after a warrior’s service] is the pursuit of the individual’s unique WHY … the individual’s own unique WHY is the fundamental building block of truly great cultures … you simply cannot have a truly great culture in which the mission of every individual is to advance either the state or the candidacy of some despotic political figure.

CULTURAL greatness emerges out of diverse, UNIQUE individual greatness … even though individual greatness is primarily based on individual FAILURE, struggle, rebuilding, persistence and more failure and overcoming even more adversity. Individual greatness is NEVER EVER EVER on a path of comfort.

The worst all of the COMFORTABLE impediments to greatness is the failure by individuals to engage in the impossibly difficult task of pondering one’s own WHY … if you imagine that this intellectual task is easy, it is likely that you are drunk, numb or similarly impaired by the ease of your affluent life. That’s how affluent life IMPOVERISHES even as it seems to make things comfortable.

PONDERING your WHY is not supposed to be easy … PONDERING your why is an intellectual task that is supposed to be like the archetypal story of Jacob wrestling with the stronger, quicker, tougher angel in Genesis chapter 32.

It is plenty important for others to ponder their WHY; it is perhaps, even more important for warriors to think about what that WHY is AFTER THEIR SERVICE, after somebody else defined the mission.*


Those of us who took the Oath to support and defend the Consitution had a REASON, a defining WHY, before we ever signed anything … giving away all of our rights to our bodies, our minds, our lives … we got to keep our souls when we took that Oath, but that’s basically the only thing we got to keep … but, taking the Oath was still not only a fantastic deal, but the best deal that we could possibly make. If we go back and reflect on those days before we took the Oath, most of us will realize that there was an initial, primordial, intensely and uniquely personal REASON why we ever went to see the recruiter, in the first place … and then followed through by a deliberate choice of signing away everything else.

People who do NOT understand this kind of WHY will imagine that recruits have to be brainwashed … and, to some degree there is brainwashing that happens AFTERWARD, ie we did sign away the rights to our MINDS, our lives, our bodies – but the ORIGINAL REASON for even thinking about going to see the recruiter is NOT brainwashing … it is a PRIMORDIAL REASON, a predetermination that happened before we were born … this REASON is the reason for our existence, it reflects the will of our Creator, and it is THE reason WHY our existence in this this Universe matters.