Regenerative agriculture is rapidly evolving to be much more scientific with much more reproducible results that are even more hands-ons and even more healthier and culturally stimulating because of how things like syntropic agriculture businesses around the world are becoming significantly more media savvy driven by significantly more interactions through virtual workshops, webinars, blogs that engage more participants directly FROM THEIR HOMES in the cultural learning processes of architecting creative living environment which not only produce better food but afford better opportunities for exercise and involvement in Nature.

It’s the INTERACTIVITY of the media, stupid

Of course, we know that lifestyle MATTERS … or, at least, we should know that, the CERTIFIED couch potato who spends hours of each day in his favorite Laz-E-Boy will NEVER be intellectually coherent enough to understand why his lifestyle is giving him cancer, atrophying his joints and generally killing him … but INTERACTIVE media ENGAGEMENT by active people around the world participating in healthier VIRTUAL communities is actually accelerating the improvement in physical lifestyles.

The lifestyle of teevee watching is the thing that drives the culture of loserdom … but it is the character of passivity that pushes the recliner set into being unable to look after their own health.

HOW CAN WE ENGAGE THE AUDIENCE? It’s NOT about making them travel to a workshop … they have their own workshop laboratory at home, ie they have to work with what they have, where they have it … bringing them offsite to an inapplicable context is a waste of everyone’s time … and lessons learned don’t apply.

We have to get past the antiquated PASSIVE mindset of the classroom, the television, the workshop/conference where everyone listens to the expert and then goes home to do nothing.

It’s the INTERACTIVITY of the media, stupid! The media has to ENGAGE the audience in their own lifestyle choices, at their own location.

We are fighting a truly EVIL force. PASSIVE media consumption is actually an anti-cultural descent in the abyss of becoming a zombie in hell. Much of affluent culture is about this descent into the abyss of comfort and convenience … which confines zombie guinea pigs to a world of ultra-processed snacks and plenty of opportunities to obsessively worry about whether one’s health insurance will be sufficient to cover the increasing needs of medical care and more and more pharma.

NOTHING is more debilitating than the atrophication of the ability to produce food … by relying more upon the comfort of ultra-processed food and convenience of opening the refrigerator to see what there is to eat.

Any HEALTHY culture should include some form of agriculture based upon creative, artistic ways for people to be more INVOLVED in understanding nature and soil ecosystems by producing and consuming their own food. In the realm of computer programming, this cultural practice is known as dogfooding OR EATING your own dogfood because that practice forces programmers to consume their own ideas first, in real-life real workflows to get a first-hand sense of how palatable or healthy the product is, long before ever launched to paying. In the realm of urban agriculture, this cultural strategy is known as syntropic permacultural foodscaping or edible landscape architecture … it’s not JUST that it is infinitely more peaceful, less noisy than lawnmowers and leafblowers; it’s also that it does not poison the neighborhood as chemical lawncare does.