Turn out the lights, the party’s over …

If we’re honest with ourselves, we can all agree that the 2024 campaign is in the books already, but it’s NONE TOO EARLY to start thinking about what should be done different for the 2028 race … or maybe we should be looking forward and lay the fundamental groundwork for the 2032 race and the rest of the 21st century…

But … actually … that’s wrong. DEAD WRONG!

We have … or at least, the artist otherwise known as Bruno has known for AT LEAST 40 years that political campaigns are always about pride-filled idiots pandering to whiners and crybabies who believe in an omniscient government that, like Santa Claus, knows who’s naughty and nice and can deliver exactly what every deserving voter needs and wants.

One version of this Santa Claus mentality is that … “Trump will fix everything!” … or we need more politicians like Ronald Reagan or JFK or FDR or Lincoln or Napoleon or Washington or Charlemagne or Caesar … that sort of LOSERTHINK king worshipping idiocracy is the kind of poison that the Germans swallowed … it’s the same old poison the Putinista swallowed … it’s just as bad as Maoist worshipping of the commune-ist long march ideal that was never that ideal.

So if you are one of those morons who thinks that electoral politics can ever really fix anything …


It does not work that way, princess … and it NEVER EVER has … **

The reason that we should turn out the lights and realize why the Party’s over … IS … it’s time to lay off the koolaid and sober the fuck up!

Nothing is going to change until AFTER we have successfully changed OURSELVES … and that does not mean changing our neighbors, changing our culture … the NEEDED change involves changing the idiot in the mirror.

THE BIG LESSON is just understanding that we need to take direct charge of ourselves for ourselves.

In other words, we all need to be able to understand the ramification of what it means when we say, “My UNIVERSE was created specifically by my Creator FOR ME.” Because EVERYONE gets a Universe created specifically for them by their Creator … EVERYONE.

But the point of this huge GIFT … is that we ARE RESPONSIBLE for taking better care of and trying to perfect our very own Universe … somebody else is not going to do it for us.

Somebody else is not going to do it for us

Repeat that mantra! Only LOSERS believe that some candidate is going to fix anything for them.

Somebody else is not going to do it for us

Internalize the depth of that mantra! Only LOSERS refuse to take responsiblity for managing their own stuff.