This page is a List of AWESOME Lists.

Curating and annotating these awesome lists is all about jumping off points for ideas … these listings are all about [unaffiliated] open source PROJECTS that we think are pretty darned AWESOME.

Open Source Projects We LOVE … And Hope To Contribute To

1) READING might be thing we need to improve most … extending/enhancing Thunderbird … this goes way beyond just the 100,000 emails we get every year and the daily work of keeping the daily email fetch down to a manageable 250-300 emails/day. Reading ALSO goes way BEYOND just the thousands of RSS feeds from our professional and technical interests that we try to stay on top of. We simply cannot read enough. We need to read even more but there’s only so much reading that is humanly possible! So we NEED help … we need to develop much smarter READING technologies and along with just the tech, we need an even better set of best practices for sharing and communicating about what we have read with others … but it is the much smarter READING technologies that we develop with others for our shared needs that will help us to READ more, READ better, READ faster and to generally accelerate our ability to coherently, professionally process more information. Accelerate the practices for READING, accelerate the READING tools, and accelerate the accelerated development of READING tools so that we are able to slow down and THINK. Doing this is really going to be about understanding how the best developers have been dogfooding their own toolkits for the last few decades. We might start by looking into the Thunderbird development community … which uses the Mercurial distributed version control system(DVCS) rather than the Git DVCS [and just the topic of comparing DVCSs and DVCS practices including distributed issue tracking and distributed code review by itself is an extremely important facet of distributed development] …moreover, the Thunderbird community itself is also important since it is part of the foundation of developing different web technologies, including CSS, HTML, and JavaScript at Mozilla’s Developer site MDN … or, instead of just working on the tool itself, we might contribute to the Thunderbird website, this documentation, or through the repositories and their issue trackers on the Thunderbird GitHub page. It’s worth repeating for emphasis that dev’ing Thunderbird, and using Mercurial and Git, is really about understanding how the best developers on the planet have been dogfooding their own toolkits for the last few decades … and the important stuff is still to-this-very-day all dev’d with plain old email! Tech is all about READING.

2) DISTRIBUTED VERSION CONTROL At first, we just want to master bread-and-butter, baseline, STANDALONE basic Git commands … then, with experience, we move on up to the more participatory form of Git to the project integrator level of Git to repository administration level Git… until we reach the point where whole Git landscape makes some sense … then, since we care about the Git tool, we subscribe to the git mailing list or, at least, try to follow the major developments from that list with the summarized Git Rev News … but practically, it really gets into USING Git with the best Gitflow practices or what might be even better, the GitLab Flow Best Practices … which are mostly about doing code review better and things like Gerrit … although some of it is about shifting left further to use intelligence in the linting/testing/debugging/dev’ing that happens even before code review with a GitDeep implementations of generative AI foundation model or a quasi-proprietary, branded approach like Gitlab Duo’s Generative AI Coding Methodology … but all of these practices, depend upon really internalizing the thinking behind the entire GitLab CI/CD toolkit … or using a similar GitHub-centric approach with thousands of Actions to automate a development workflow like the OpenCommit AI tool for improved commit messages… but it’s all about making the most of what others have done and what sorts of free resources are available for open source developers, such as taking advantage of GitLab/Github Pages for development documentation.

3) TBD … there are lots of little Apps we could build … or might try to build … at with any app that we envision, we FIRST want to develop an awareness of what else is already out there and build upon what thousands of others are useing, rather than first trying to re-invent our own INSANELY STUPID private-invented-here Javascript React Angular Python library snowflake thingey … but we might want to brainstorm a curated list of the top 25 or 100 or so apps that we will try to be thinkering on in our campaigns.

4) More TBDey TBDness

5) Advanced TBD

6) Back to fundamentals TBD

7) A different point of view TBD

8) Somebody else’s idea of TBD

9) The unknown unknowns of TBD

10) MVP #WhatWouldLinusDo TBD